Sodium hypochlorite is a compound often used as a bleaching agent. It is commonly found in household bleach and is used to whiten and disinfect clothing, remove stains, and disinfect surfaces. In addition to household uses, sodium hypochlorite is used in a variety of industrial applications, such as water treatment and the production of paper and textiles. However, it is important to use sodium hypochlorite with caution because it can be corrosive and harmful if not handled properly.
Yantai Jietong Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd has been designing, manufacturing, installing and commissioning for various capacity sodium hypochlorite generator.
Concentration of sodium hypochlorite ranges from 5-6%, 8%, 10-12%
The smallest machine we can make is 500LPH sodium hypochlorite generator ready for delivery to customer, the followings are the pictures of the machine.

Yantai Jietong Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd can also make machine to produce chlorine gas which is applicable for the rare metal extraction and pharmacy factory.

Post time: Aug-29-2024